In my own life, I have failed. I have travelled. I dropped out of college. I’ve made money, lost money. Moved to different places, including crazy remote locations. Met good people and bad people. Followed good people and bad people. Watched the rise and fall of companies. But have I found purpose? Do I know now how to find purpose in what I do?
I’ve been in rooms where important things happened. Seen bureaucracy and incompetence up close, and excellence too. Been in rooms with important people (who turned out to be not very impressive). I’ve gone through pain. I’ve gone through loss. I’ve messed stuff up. I’ve had my hopes dashed. I’ve been surprised beyond my expectations. In David Epstein’s book on Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World, Epstein explained:
“Your ability to take knowledge and skills and apply them to a problem or situation you have not seen before… is predicted by the variety of situations you’ve faced…
“This is true whether you’re training in soccer or math. As you get more variety…you’re forced to form these broader conceptual models, which you can then wield flexibly in new situations.”
He then sums up research on how people find meaning and fulfillment, “Our insight into ourselves is constrained by our roster of previous experiences. We actually have to do stuff.” Life is always presenting you with opportunities. A road diverges in the woods, and we have a choice. The safe one and the dangerous one.
The one that pays well and the one that teaches a lot. The one that people understand and the one they don’t. The one that challenges us and the one that doesn’t. It’s the cumulative result of these choices that leads to a life worth writing about, or a life worth being written about.
The person who chooses safety, familiarity, the same thing as everyone else - what perspectives will they gain that will allow them to be distinct, unique or wiser than others? What could the person who never risks, hope to ever gain? So go look for fuel. Take the more interesting road. Go live a life that is not boring. Your work—and the world—will thank you for it!
Thank you Leon, you are a wonderful person